Famoid Reviews – Truth And Nothing But The Truth

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Buying likes or followers for Instagram can be an intimidating experience. Someone who is new to this might ask some questions, and those questions can be along the lines of:

  • Is this safe?
  • Am I endangering my Instagram account?
  • Is it worth the money?
  • Does this really work?

These are all very legitimate questions, not only for someone who’s doing it for the first time but for someone who is practically a veteran at these types of Instagram-related promotions and boosts.

I agree it’s no easy task for anyone to trust a site you’ve never tried before, especially if some of the reviews are a mix of good, bad, and neutral comments.

To know what services are good or bad you would need to try them all. I know it’s not possible for a casual user or even a professional social media user to try out every single service that the internet has to offer, so I got my hands on Famoid to try it out instead of you.

To find out how it went and some personal impressions that I’ve gathered on my quest to explore Famoid, I highly suggest you keep reading and find out!

If this is your very first time buying followers or likes, I suggest you check out one Instagram service I guarantee works – Upleap. If this is something you want to check out in-depth, you can always read my detailed review.

If you’re keen on checking out some more Instagram-related services here’s a few I’d recommend:

Growth Service / ToolRating (according to users)Price
Flock Social4.8Check Rates
Upleap4.6Check Rates
Stim Social4.5Check Rates
SocialFollow4.3Check Rates
Nitreo4.2Check Rates
KENJI.AI3.9Check Rates

What Is Famoid?

Knowing that you are not familiar with a website can be a real show-stopper. I know I like to get familiar with the site before I start reading about what services it provides and how the payment works.

Clean-looking homepages are very important, as well as an easy-to-use layout that will not confuse you if you ever wish to use it.

A screenshot depicting Famoid’s homepage menu.

As you can see here, this is a pretty clean-looking homepage, but further down the line it might get confusing. I suggest you read through the text and keep an eye out for the section that’s dedicated to that.

Normally, if I try to test an Instagram-related service, I like it to be clean and fast. That means without a long pending period, delivery period, or processing overall. I can’t say that I’ve come across that here, but I can’t say it’s horrible either.

But let’s get closer to the original topic. Famoid is a service that advertises itself as a company of many qualities. Quick and reliable customer support, a safe PayPal transaction, and a refund if any unwanted occurrences happen.

It all sounds very appealing, but the question is if it works as well as they say it works. For one, I know PayPal lets you refund your purchase if you prove that you’ve been scammed. This is quite a relief, knowing you won’t be left without your money and your followers.

Famoid Customer Support

Another thing about Famoid’s services that works pretty well is their customer support. Scrolling through Sitejabber I’ve stumbled upon some genuine-seeming reviews depicting their experience with Famoid’s customer support. Take a look at one:

A picture showing a review of Famoid customer support on Sitejabber.

This shows that Famoid is not all talk, and they do keep some of the promises they give to their potential consumers.

I was actually pleased to know that if I decide to buy their service that I’ll be met with a decent customer support team that can resolve any potential problems I might come across.

This is not only important but crucial to a company that provides this kind of service. Nothing calms the user down like a good and working customer support.

If you decide to go with Famoid and buy their service, you should have no problems with this part of their business.

How Does Famoid Work? – Ins And Outs

In order to understand how a service like Famoid works, you’ll need to learn how to get around their website easily.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, their homepage is actually pretty clean looking, but you are presented with multiple options.

By hovering over the Instagram logo and clicking on the “explore services” option, you’ll be met with a few options to choose from.
My personal focus was on “followers packages” and “likes packages” tabs. By choosing any of these, you’ll see the prices they ask for their services. To save you some time, I’ve presented you some of the pricing here:

A picture depicting prices for Instagram followers on Famoid.
A screenshot of Instagram likes prices on Famoid.

By clicking on these (depending on what you’re interested in) you’ll be met with a checkout window that requires your Instagram username, your email, and your phone number. After that, you’ll need to fill out your payment method details and that’s it.

One thing I do like about this checkout is that they don’t require your Instagram password or any private information. This brings a whole different level of feeling safe when buying things on the internet.

There is one aspect of this checkout I don’t like and don’t understand – why do they require my phone number? I know many companies that do this without requiring phone numbers from their consumers (for example Upleap).

They say followers will be gained by “gradual delivery”. This does not pose that big of a problem, taking into consideration many businesses operate on similar grounds. Gradual delivery only means you won’t get all of your followers instantly, but in a span of a few minutes/hours/days depending on the service.

If you’d like all of your followers in a short period of time, I suggest you find a company that is willing to guarantee instant delivery which means your followers will be there all at once or within a few seconds.

They also mention something called “drop protection”. This ensures the buyer that all lost followers will be refilled in the next 30 days. This is the message you get when you click on the question mark next to it:

A picture showing the message describing drop protection.

This sounds like something that is worth your money, but the thing is that you don’t actually know if they’ll refill your lost followers. Some other companies claim your followers will be taken care of, but don’t do anything once you lose on your followers count.

When I took a closer look at Sitejabber it seemed to me that some of the critical reviews are much more genuine than ones that appear on top of the list. There are so many people with similar experiences which tells me that the supposed drop protection doesn’t work. Here’s what one unhappy consumer had to say about this:

A screenshot of a negative comment on Sitejabber regarding Famoid.

Free Stuff – Is There Any?

A big sign of self-confidence in a company is a free promotion sample that is a good representation of what they offer. Sadly, I haven’t stumbled upon any sort of free promotional material.

One of the first things I asked myself when I decided to review this service is are there any Famoid free likes? Any Famoid free followers? I mean, it might sound cheap to you, but as someone who practically does this for a living, this is a frequently asked question when doing this kind of research.

If I had my own brand that offered service in this field, I’d make sure they handed out free samples of the service I provide. For example, if a person likes our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook page, they would be eligible for 50 free followers that would represent my service.

This is an excellent way to promote your brand, boost your social media, and spread the good word about your services’ quality. Sadly, Famoid doesn’t provide any kind of offer that I stumbled upon, but it’s not a big deal since most companies are kind of cheap when talking about promotion through giving free sample service.

Famoid – Is It Really Worth It? In Summation

The first thing I like to do when summing my thoughts up is to make a pros and cons table, so here it is:

Clean looking pageBad reviews for customer support
Relatively cheapLosing followers
Safe transactionPeople claiming its a scam
Drop protection doesn’t work

Look, if you want me to recommend this service without hesitation, I suggest you read someone else’s (maybe paid) promotion about Famoid. I deeply believe in the reviews I do and the thoroughness of them, so I won’t recommend something I wouldn’t primarily use to someone else.

Having said that, this doesn’t mean I recommend staying away from Famoid. What I’d recommend is to maybe buy a low and cheap option at first just to try it out, just so you can see how “alive” the followers are.

This isn’t a bad idea if you’re trying to feel out the service and get an idea of how good they are. Maybe you get a chance to experience their customer support service as well!

So do your research as you should, read through some reviews – good and bad, and be careful when choosing your service.