We review social media tools to help you avoid scams

Tool Busters aims to be your go-to option when you want to try a new social media tool.

We test pretty much all the social media tools out there. We perform different tests. We carefully analyze the complaints people have online. And we have our own community which we interview about each tool.

Finally, we write in-depth reviews where you can find everything that you wanted to know about each tool.

You can find out if a certain tool is worth the money or not

For each tool, we perform an extensive analysis based on different criteria: performance, pricing, accessibility, customer support etc.

In this way, you can decide for yourself if a certain tool is a good fit for your needs or not. And you can find out if it’s a scam or not.

You can compare different options

You’ve heard about a few different tools but you’re not sure which is the best option for you? On this blog, you can discover side by side comparisons to help you decide.

Who are we?

We’re a small team of three online marketing veterans. Each of us runs multiple online businesses for more than 10 years now.

During our entrepreneurial journey, we stumbled upon many tools that either overpromised or they were a complete fraud.

This is why we decided that we’ll create a blog where everyone can get FREE access to transparent reviews so that you can avoid wasting money on something that doesn’t work.

We manage this website as a side passion when we’re not working on our other businesses. But we try to put out at least one in-depth review every week.

Find out if a tool is a scam or not

Type the name of the tool you want to learn out more about in the search bar below.