Likegrowers Review – Is It A Scam? Revealing The Truth

Hey there! For the last few months, I’ve wanted to try out the Likegrowers app and review it, and now I’ve finally done it. 

So, buckle up and get ready to read a super-thorough Likegrowers review.

In this article, you’ll find out the following:

  • Does Likegrowers yield good results?
  • How to use Likegrowers?
  • Is it a waste of money?
  • What is the best Likegrowers alternative?

By the by, if you’re in a hurry, feel free to check out my quick summary below:

Likegrowers: Key Points

  • Likegrowers is an Instagram auto liker
  • Their software just stopped working
  • Their growth strategy can get you banned from Instagram
  • A much better option would be to try out some organic growth tools such as Nitreo and Upleap
  • I’ve been using Kenji for a while now, and it boosted my IG in a safe way
  • With the discount code GROW20, you can get 20% off for good

Most Popular Instagram Growth Tools Rated

Growth Service / ToolRating (according to users)Price
Flock Social4.8Check Rates
Upleap4.6Check Rates
Stim Social4.5Check Rates
SocialFollow4.3Check Rates
Nitreo4.2Check Rates
KENJI.AI3.9Check Rates

What Is Likegrowers?

Homepage of Likegrowers

Likegrowers refer to themselves as a professional Instagram auto liker. 

On their website, they claim they offer ‘safe and organic growth.’ From my experience (and a bunch of other people), that’s not entirely true.

You see, Likegrowers allegedly offers likes from real users. But in reality, half of the likes come from fake accounts, or should I use the term – bots.

Also, after examining their website closely, I’ve noticed they offer a bunch of different services like:

  • Instagram Makeup Service
  • Instagram Influencer Tool
  • Instagram Restaurant Tool
  • Instagram Travel Blog Tool

Now, you’re probably wondering – what are these tools for exactly? Well, I can say I’ve tried them all, and they seem to perform the same way and offer identical features.

So, what’s the point then? Who knows.

One thing is for sure – they seem to be a little all over the place, which got me suspicious from the start.

How Likegrowers Works?

From the viewpoint of one unsatisfied user – bad.

If you’ve used this app, chances are you’ve probably searched the internet for- ‘Why is Likegrowers not working?’

Well, welcome to the club. In my case, it stopped working after just two months of use, and I had to contact customer service multiple times before I got an answer.

This app seriously disappointed me. Not to mention how it got me banned eventually.

To understand the nature of the problem, I have to give you more details about this bot. 

First of all, you have to sign up and buy a specific like package. After the first step, all you have to do is choose users, locations, and hashtags. The app will then automatically like all of the posts with those exact filters.

Okay, now you’re thinking – That’s cool, so what’s the problem?

The problem with Likegrowers is that it will automatically like thousands of posts (with the same hashtag, for example) in a short period. And that is straight up a recipe for disaster.

With this kind of bot behavior, you’ll probably get caught and eventually suspended or banned, as I have. 

You see, Instagram’s algorithm is practically designed to detect and block bots such as Likegrowers. From what you can read here, their growth strategy isn’t good at all and can get you in danger.

Features Of Likegrowers

Let’s see what the Likegrowers basic features are:

Targeted Hashtag

This feature allows you to like all of the posts with the specific hashtag. Now, this is the feature that can get you in trouble real quick if you don’t use it properly.

Just make sure to avoid popular, most basic hashtags that have a vast number of posts.

Targeted Location

The same goes for this feature. Try not to use popular locations and choose specific places and venues, rather than countries.

Targeted User

I have to admit; this feature was useful before the app stopped working. The targeted user feature allows you to target followers that might follow you back. 

This one actually brought me some real followers, so I’ll give that to them.

Pricing Of Likegrowers

Likegrowers offers three different packages to choose from:

  • Basic
  • Premium
  • Professional package
Likegrowers’s pricing

I gotta hand it to them –  they’re quite affordable, considering that the professional package is only $49, and you can split it between multiple accounts.

As for payment methods, you can pay via PayPal, Sofort, iDeal, or Stripe. Plus, it covers all major credit cards.

Even though there’s no free trial listed, Likegrowers offers a full refund. 

However, you have to meet certain conditions for it.

That’s right. You can get a refund only if the package was purchased within the past 7 days from the requested day and if you used less than 1000 likes from the package. 

If you ask me, there shouldn’t be conditions for the refund. If the customer is not utterly satisfied with the purchase, the refund should be available whenever – no questions asked.

Is Likegrowers Legit, Safe, Or A Scam? 

The thing that made me question their legitimacy is the fact that they don’t have an FAQ or help section.

I mean, if you search for Likegrowers reviews on other sites, such as Trustpilot, you’ll see that so many people are complaining that it stopped working for no apparent reason. When they contacted customer support, they didn’t get any answer.

And now to answer the question: ‘Is Likegrowers safe?’ I can’t say it’s safe at all.

The only safe thing about it is the payment option. But the app itself doesn’t provide organic growth, as they state on their site. Moreover, it got so many people (including me) banned or suspended. 

Therefore, my advice to you would be to avoid it altogether. 

Top Likegrowers Alternatives

By now, I hope you realize how Likegrowers is not the best option when it comes to organic growth. But don’t stress it, I was once in your shoes.

That’s why I decided to make a list of the best Instagram growth alternatives that are safe to use. You can look into them below!

Growth Service / ToolRating (according to users)Price
Flock Social4.8Check Rates
Upleap4.6Check Rates
Stim Social4.5Check Rates
SocialFollow4.3Check Rates
Nitreo4.2Check Rates
KENJI.AI3.9Check Rates

Likegrowers Pros And Cons

It’s time for a brief recap, so here’s the table with all of the advantages and disadvantages of Likegrowers.

Moderately pricedDoesn’t work anymore
3-day free trialContinues to charge for shutdown services
Lack of honest reviews
Too much bot activity
Targeting abilities are poor

Likegrowers: Should You Use It Or Not?

I’m afraid you already know my answer. 

Before I tested the app, I had high hopes. But now, I can tell you for sure I won’t be using it ever again, and neither should you. It’s just not worth the risk.

I believe you should always look for organic growth if you want to enhance your Instagram profile in a safe manner.