Risesocial Review – An Example Of What Not To Do

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In this world, there are two types of examples you should (not)follow. The first one is a good example of how to organize your company and how to develop your service so that users are happy with what they get.

The other one should be called a “Risesocial” example instead of a bad example. These are the companies that don’t care about the quality of their product or service and don’t ever pay attention to what their users have to say.

Not that I want to bash them completely out of nowhere, but anyone who knows about Risesocial has a bad thing or two to say about them. To further explain to you why this is the case I’ve gathered up some material that might help.

Since this service has been shut down for many months it was hard, but I wanted to show you a truly good example of a bad service. To keep yourself away from these kinds of companies, I suggest you keep reading and find out the markers that make a bad product.

If you’d like to see something completely different than what I just described to you, I suggest you check out Upleap. If you’re further interested in getting your hands on this service, I highly suggest reading my Upleap review first.

If this does not satisfy your needs and you need a little bit more options, I suggest you check these out as well:

Growth Service / ToolRating (according to users)Price
Flock Social4.8Check Rates
Upleap4.6Check Rates
Stim Social4.5Check Rates
SocialFollow4.3Check Rates
Nitreo4.2Check Rates
KENJI.AI3.9Check Rates

Risesocial – Why Is It Shut Down?

To be honest, when you finish reading this article, I think it will be pretty clear to you why they got shut down.

The comments that I’ve found on Trustpilot are nothing but unsatisfied customers having their voices heard. To show you how bad the user experience was, I’d like to show you a couple of things:

A screenshot depicting an overall grade for Risesocial on Trustpilot.

If someone got Risesocial shut down solely for their poor service, it wouldn’t be a great loss. Unfortunately, this is not where the story ends.

A picture of two negative reviews on Trustpilot regarding Risesocial.

These are real people with real experience. Their opinion matters and their experience does as well. If you let your company provide this kind of bad service, I don’t know what other fate except a complete shutdown do you expect.

The people I’ve talked to say that over 90% of the cases related to Risesocial were like this. These weren’t the two lonely customers that had their hard-earned money ripped out of their pocket for a fake product.

If you take a look at any Trustpilot review regarding this company, you won’t run into anything nice said about them.

This is probably the first time I run into a review on Trustpilot that literally has zero good or neutral comments.

This tells you something, and that something is – STAY AWAY.

Their Domain

Actually, maybe one single good thing that came from Risesocial is that you can buy their domain and reassurance that they won’t ever rebrand.

The force with which they got shut down left their domain open for purchase which is a good thing. Maybe you or someone you know can buy the domain and make a brand that’s worth the consumer’s money and time.

To be honest, that would probably be the biggest lesson you can teach people that worked for Risesocial. A lesson of how to make a company that isn’t a total scam.

Risesocial – Total Abomination

The thing that gets me mad the most is not fake followers. Many companies that say they provide a quality service by keeping a mix of fake and true followers in their services. The Risesocial scam was something much worse than this.

After people used their service, they would get their Instagram account suspended or locked up without any apparent reason.

Maybe you’d say: “a good company would take care of this!”, and I’d say that as well.

But do you know who wouldn’t? The employees of Risesocial.

Even when people contacted them to seek help for what happened to their accounts after using the Risesocial service, these people would be ignored and neglected.

This isn’t something that just slips. If someone is making money off of their Instagram account, and a company is responsible for their income being locked up – something needs to be done.

People say that even when they reached out for help they didn’t get any response, and here’s an example of that:

a picture of a negative comment regarding a locked up account due to Risesocial.

Remember that if you see a comment like this regarding a company or their product to never use it!

Is Risesocial A Scam?

Scam – A fraudulent or deceptive act or operation. This is an official definition of a scam. I suggest you try to NOT fit Risesocial in there. Everything about this company screams scam.

I think it goes without saying they’re a scam at best. But I think they are something worse than scammers. They have been taking people’s money for the longest time and have been delivering poor service or no service at all.

If a company delivers something they aren’t supposed to – that’s a scam. People who used to work for Risesocial are tricksters and, some would say, thieves.

So yes. I’d call them a scam – on a good day. I hope you came to the same conclusion as I did because that’s probably the only way to see this company after you find out what they used to do.

Some people claim the same scammers run Social Steeze, Like Social, and Magic Social. This is not proven but there are speculations that the same people found behind Risesocial are behind these companies as well.

Risesocial Review – Gathering Up Thoughts

If you’re still asking yourself is Risesocial legit, you didn’t read the same article I just wrote. These people weren’t only selling something they weren’t advertising, but they have been jeopardizing their user’s accounts all over the place.

When a company is doing this poorly of a job, it’s not a question of should I use it or not, but should I sue them or not.

Regardless of this, I made a table depicting how little they offer and how much they take. Let’s take a look:

/Fake followers
/Sometimes don’t deliver
/Lock up your Instagram account
/Used to be expensive

As you can see, there’s not a single good thing that this company used to do. For this and many other reasons, I suggest you spread the word so people actually stay away if they decide to rebrand.